The sexual objectification of men in pop culture.
Recently, with the rise of strong emancipated women in pop culture if been reading more and more complaints about the sexual objectification of men in song lyrics and music video clips. This baffles me, for decades men have been doing the same to women and women have been going beserk over it. Now we have finally reached an age where It’s acceptable for women to have a strong own identity. Women should applaud the fact that they are able to treat men in the same fashion they have been treated for decades. In stead they start to complain again, making these idols and role models out to be some kind of sluts with no self respect.
What these people fail to see is that sexual objectification is part of the human species, or even better ,the animal kingdom in general. It’s in our nature to want to reproduce. Reproducing happens by means of sex, therefore every healthy person will get horny every now and then and, whether subconsciously or not, some sort of sexual objectification will all ways occur in inter-human relationships. But this sexual objectification is just a small facet in human relation ships. Are people really to stupid to see that when for example Ke$ha ( A popular subject of the uptight anti sex brigade) sings that she feels like getting drunk and want to have a one night stand with a hot piece of meat this doesn’t define here whole being as a person nor does it mean that she has no self respect, is a slut, or has no ethical and moral values whatsoever. She is just expressing a feeling in a moment.
This doesn’t mean that she is going around 24/7 drinking looking for superficial sex. This doesn’t mean that in a serious relationship she would have no other important values like honesty and loyalty besides good looks and a big cock. And nor does it mean that all of here young fans will go out of control having wild unprotected sex with everybody they see. Problem case teens have and will always be there but when evaluating these cases it’s always a combination of different factors during the the coming of age of these persons that leads to a problematic lifestyle. Blaming it all on modern day music videos, pop start, movies etc is an easy excuse. People should be happy that it’s finally OK for women to discover and express their sexuality and step out of the shadow of men.
Hell, even the awesome Michelle Obama ( Now there’s a Strong woman) in a recent interview said it’s OK if Barack Obama is seen as a sex symbol. Because she understands this is a totally normal response for people to have. I don’t think there are a lot of men who would happily be sexually objectified every once in a while.
As for me personally, I give permission to all the Lady Gaga’s, Rihanna’s, Ke$ha’s and non famous girls next door to sexually objectify me!